Will holding a cellphone while driving be outlawed in Florida?

Distracted driving has been a problem for a long time. People have always pulled their attention off the road, whether to look at something outside, change radio stations, eat, or carry on a conversation with a passenger. Cellphones, of course, have only made matters worse. In fact, Florida saw 271 distracted driving deaths in 2019 alone, many of which are likely attributed to cellphone use. It’s likely that thousands of others have been hurt in these kinds of wrecks in recent years. Although Florida has a law banning texting and driving, these statistics have caused some to question whether the law goes far enough.

Is an outright cellphone ban on the horizon for drivers?

According to some, the problem with texting and driving laws is that they are difficult to enforce. Without actually seeing a cell phone’s screen, it’s hard for law enforcement to know to what use it is being put to at a given time. That’s why some are now pushing for a new law that would make it illegal to merely hold a cellphone while driving. This law, these advocates argue, would be much easier to enforce and would better protect motorists.

Why distracted driving is dangerous

It seems obvious that distracted driving is dangerous, but that’s for a number of reasons. For example, traveling at 55 miles per hour and looking down to read or send a text message means that the length of a football field or more has passed without the driver even seeing it. This means that the driver won’t be able to safely stop for traffic, a stop sign, or a stoplight. Glancing down at a phone can also cause a driver to veer into oncoming traffic or another lane of the same direction traffic, which can lead to a devastating accident.

Seek help when you need it

If you’ve been affected by a distracted driving accident and suffered harm as a result, then you’re probably dealing with a lot right now. In addition to your physical and emotional pain and suffering, you’re probably also facing enormous financial loss. As stressful and overwhelming as your situation can be, you shouldn’t despair, especially knowing that legal action might lead to the compensation you need. With that in mind, now might be the time for you to consider whether securing a legal ally is best for you and your future.


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