Two serious collisions happen in quick succession in Tallahassee

Our readers usually hear about serious motor vehicle accidents in the news, but a particularly dangerous stretch of time in Tallahassee recently included reports of two serious collisions that occurred in quick succession. One left two drivers dead, while the other left a pedestrian in stable condition in a local hospital, albeit with “serious injuries.”

According to the reports, the auto-pedestrian collision occurred during the evening hours of September 19. The pedestrian was struck and injured, and the driver of the vehicle apparently fled the scene. Law enforcement officials were looking for the vehicle and the driver in the immediate aftermath of the collision, while the victim was hospitalized.

The second collision occurred during the next morning’s commute hours, on September 20. It appears one vehicle made an ill-advised turn in front of another, resulting in what reports have called a “fiery” crash. In fact, one of the vehicles was reportedly left “engulfed” in flames due to the collision. Both drivers – the only people in the vehicles – reportedly died at the scene of the crash.

Facing dangers on the roads in Florida

These recent incidents just go to show the danger that each of us face when we get behind the wheel of a vehicle or we choose to walk near traffic areas. More details are sure to come on the recently reported incidents, but each of us face the danger of distracted drivers and intoxicated drivers, among other potential acts of negligence and recklessness on the roads. Fortunately, any Florida resident who has been injured in a car accident or pedestrian collision may have legal options to consider.


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