Traffic deaths increase during summer months

Summer is typically the deadliest time of year for drivers in Florida and across the U.S., according to traffic safety researchers. In fact, the National Safety Council reports that nearly 10,000 Americans died in car accidents between Memorial Day and Labor Day in 2012.

Federal statistics show that fatal car wrecks tend to spike in June, July and August each year. Researchers say that there are multiple reasons for the increase in deaths during this period, including warmer weather, summer vacations, larger vehicles on the roads and longer road trips. For instance, U.S. drivers traveled over 780 billion miles over the 100-day summer period in 2013. All this extra traffic can lead to more collisions, injuries and deaths.

To reduce the risk of car crashes during the summer months, experts recommend that drivers avoid using their cellphones while behind the wheel. They also urge drivers to get enough rest before embarking on road trips and to pull over in a safe location if they start to feel sleepy. In addition, drivers are encouraged to always use their seat belts and pay attention to the road at all times. Finally, experts remind drivers that they should never consume alcohol or drugs before operating a vehicle.

Someone who has been injured in a car accident caused by another party may have grounds to file a personal injury lawsuit. Common damages sought in personal injury cases include medical bills, rehabilitation expenses, missed wages, pain and suffering, emotional distress and property loss. A victim could learn more about their legal rights by contacting a law firm that handles car accident claims.


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