Study: Light rain sparks significant rise in car accidents

Floridians are used to frequent bouts of rain. They will also be likely to understand the dangers of driving when it is raining. Heavy rain can make roadways slick and people might not take the caution they should. This can result in auto accidents with injuries and fatalities. Some might be under the impression that light rain carries less risk than heavy rain. However, as new research from the Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society shows, even light rain substantially raises the risk for an accident. Considering this is vital to remain safe on the road. The statistics and evidence can also be an important part of a legal filing for compensation after an accident.

The study conducted a review of more than 125,000 accidents in the continental United States from 2006 to 2011. The number of vehicles there were on the road in that time and the weather – based on local weather stations – were also taken into consideration. With the information gleaned, they could determine how hard the rain was falling at the time of the crashes. According to the research, accident risk increases by 34 percent when it is raining, snowing or there is ice on the road.

According to the study’s author, light rain is the type of rain for which an umbrella might not even be needed. This weather increased the chance of a fatal auto accident by 27 percent. The caution people generally show in heavier downpours is not shown when it is drizzling. Drivers fail to consider how light rain can also make the roadways treacherous. When there was as little as one-tenth of an inch of rain falling per hour, there was a rise in fatal accidents.

An auto accident can change a person and a family’s life in a seemingly endless stream of ways. Lost wages, massive medical expenses, long-term treatment and pain are all part of the aftermath of car crashes. In many accidents, there is a fatality and the family will need to learn how to move forward without a loved one. Given the problems that arise after a car accident, having legal help is critical to conduct a crash reconstruction and assess the case to decide on a strategy to pursue compensation in a lawsuit. A lawyer will use the statistics of accident studies and bolster a case based on its evidence. Calling for a consultation with a law firm that has experience in car accidents is key and should be done immediately.


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