Some car accident-related pains may be delayed

It can be tricky to determine the extent of one’s injuries after a car crash in Florida. Some injuries only make an appearance days or weeks after the incident, which is why victims are encouraged to wait until they have reached maximum medical improvement in order to seek compensation. They should not be quick to sign a release of liability form with the other driver’s auto insurance company.

Some of the symptoms that victims may experience after a car crash are headaches; pain in the neck, shoulders and back; and abdominal pain. Headaches can be the result of a blood clot, concussion or neck injury. Whiplash may be indicated by headaches, neck and shoulder pain, and pain in the lower back. Back pain by itself may point to a soft tissue injury like muscle damage.

Herniated discs can also cause neck, shoulder and back pain, and to that may be added sensations like tingling and numbness as the discs pinch or press up against a nerve. As for abdominal pain, this can be due to internal bleeding. If victims notice deep bruising in their abdomen and suffer from headaches or dizziness, then the link becomes even clearer.

The emotional impact of accidents should not be underestimated. Many victims develop anxiety, depression and even post-traumatic stress disorder.

Most times, a victim in a car accident can have his or her losses covered by personal injury protection. In certain cases, though, victims may file a claim against the other driver’s insurance company with the assistance of a lawyer. Insurance companies can be aggressive in denying payment, so a lawyer may handle all negotiations, taking the case to court if a fair settlement cannot be achieved. A successful claim might cover medical bills, lost income and physical and emotional suffering.


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