Rules designed to prevent drowsy truck drivers

Safe driving is very important for all drivers on the roads in Florida. Drivers need to follow all the traffic laws, drive at safe speeds for the conditions, avoid distractions and remain alert. When drivers do not follow these rules, car accidents can occur. These accidents can result in significant damage to the vehicles involved as well as cause serious injuries to the people involved.

There are many different types of vehicles on the roads each day. While it is important that all drivers drive safe, it is especially important that truck drivers to drive safely. Trucks are much larger than the other vehicles on the road and when they are involved in accidents they can cause significant damage to the other vehicles. This means that truck accidents can easily cause severe injuries to the drivers in the other vehicles involved in the accident. To help prevent these from occurring, it is especially important that truck drivers remain alert at all times.

Hours-of-Service rules for truck drivers

Truck drivers should never drive drowsy and to help ensure this does not occur there are rules about how long truck drivers can work each day. These are known as hours-of-service rules.

Truck drivers can only drive a total of 11 hours in a 14-hour span of time following a minimum of a 10-hour break from working. They also must take at least a 30 minute break after driving for eight consecutive hours. In addition to the daily limits truck drivers also have weekly limits. They can only drive 60 hours in a seven-day period or 70 hours in an eight-day period. After the seven or eight days, the driver must stop for at least 34 hours.

There are many trucks that drive on the roads each day in Florida. If the truck drivers cause an accident due to working too many hours and being drowsy, they may be required to compensate the victims of the accident. This compensation can be very valuable for the victims and consulting with experienced attorneys could be beneficial.


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