National driving survey: not just discouraging, but frightful

It’s hard to massage the statistics from a major new insurance company survey spotlighting the alarming driving behaviors of more than 2,000 respondents.

So we’ll just give it to readers straight, beginning with the following — and unquestionably startling — takeaway.

To wit: Reportedly, close to half of surveyed drivers admit to typing texts and/or emails while negotiating their way through traffic.

That’s disconcerting, right?

But as flat-out negligent and dangerous as that behavior is, it hardly seems in the same league as the admission of about 15 percent of the respondents that they engage in behind-the-wheel online shopping.

The 2019 Travelers Risk Survey has myriad other harrowing data to report as well, but we’ll just let readers who want to see it ponder the details via the above-cited link.

Because the point is clear enough: Distracted driving across the United is of epidemic proportions.

That might somehow seem a less dreadful reality if the adverse consequences linked with motorists’ inattentiveness were just limited to them (although it would still be tragic, of course).

The bottom line, though, is that distracted drivers are accident-causing catalysts whose negligent behavior seriously injures and takes the lives of legions of other drivers and their passengers. Nor are motorcyclists, bicyclists or pedestrians spared when reckless motorists pay more attention to things like cellphones and grooming aids than they do to the acute concerns of the road.

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Post-accident advocacy addresses many things. Most notably, perhaps, is the powerful focus it can place on securing justice.


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