Failure to yield to right of way caused fatal Tallahassee crash

With the year coming to the close and the final winter holidays around the corner, the roadways in Florida and elsewhere across the nation have experienced increased traffic. Remaining attentive behind the wheel, however, is always important no matter the time of day or time of year. While text and driving is a major and ongoing concern, this is not the only source of distraction that could lead to a driver failing to pay attention and violate the ruled of the road, resulting in a car accident.

Failure to yield

According to recent reports, a fatal collision occurred on U.S. 90 in Tallahassee because one driver failed to yield to the right of way. Based on preliminary investigation by the Florida Highway Patrol, the crash involved a pickup truck and a truck with a trailer attached and happened around 6:40 in the morning.

When emergency crews responded to the crash, the 48-year-old man driving the pickup truck was pronounced dead. There was a four-year old in the pickup truck at the time of the crash, and the young child suffered minor injuries as a result of the crash.

Cause of crash

It was established that the 36-year-old driver of the vehicle with a trailer attached to it failed to yield to the right of way. This vehicle was pulling out from a dirt road onto U.S. 90. As a result, the pickup truck collides with the trailer attached to the vehicle pulling onto the road from the dirt road. Reports indicated that the driver of the other vehicle did not suffer any injuries while the driver of the pickup truck suffered fatal injuries and the young passenger suffered injuries.

Following investigation of the crash, those impacted by the crash have the right to take action. For the surviving family members of the deceased motorist, it may be possible to file a wrongful death suit. Additionally, a personal injury action could be filed to seek compensation for the harms suffered by the injured party. Filing a civil action not only assists with applying accountability on a party at fault, but it also helps with recovery of compensation for losses suffered.


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