Cellphones are great, but not when they lead to car accidents

These days many of us in Florida may often wonder just how we got by without a cellphone. We use our cellphones to make calls, send text messages and emails, as navigation systems, to watch videos, to catch up on our social media accounts and more. It is truly amazing just how far cellphone technology has come in the last few years.

However, with an increase in cellphone use comes an increase in distracted driving. People like to think they’re good at multi-tasking, and therefore they can send a text message, watch a video or perform some other function on their cellphone while they are behind the wheel. However, all drivers should be focusing on one thing: the task of driving in a safe manner. A driver who is distracted by his or her cellphone may run through a red light or stop sign, may weave into oncoming lanes of traffic or may not notice slow-downs in the flow of traffic in front of them. Any of these situations could lead to a devastating car accident that injures or even kills others on the road.

Victims of distracted driving accidents, if they are lucky to survive, can still be left with serious injuries and emotional trauma. They may incur expensive medical bills and they may be forced to take time off of work. These damages are difficult to bear alone.

For this reason, many people who are the victims of car crashes caused by a distracted driver choose to seek help. At our firm we work with our clients both in and out of the courtroom, to either reach a financial settlement that provides for our client’s needs or pursue a full trial if necessary. We have a zero-tolerance policy when it comes to distracted driving. Our firm’s webpage on distracted driving accidents can provide readers with more information on this important topic.


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