Being a work-related distracted driver places people in danger

Drivers in Florida and across the U.S. undoubtedly know the risks of being a distracted driver. Because a failure to pay attention to the road places people in jeopardy, there are campaigns and new laws being proposed to dissuade drivers from texting and driving and using their devices while behind the wheel. Unfortunately, people continue to drive distracted. One of the most common reasons given is that the call or text was work-related and important.

A new study indicates that calls, texts and emails from work are causing people to drive while distracted and raising the chance of an accident. In the study by the website The Zebra, younger people who are so accustomed to smartphone use are compelled to reply when they are driving and the call or message is about work. In the survey, 37 percent of those between the ages of 18 and 34 stated they felt pressure to reply in these circumstances. Among all age groups, that number was 25 percent.

People are under the impression that simply checking a message while behind the wheel is not significantly dangerous. However, the statistics show that 3,500 people die in a distracted driving accident each year. Economically, distracted driving costs $40 billion per year. The cost and fatalities for distracted driving have yet to reach the levels of drunk drivers, but it is not far away from that total. Drivers are encouraged to avoid using their devices when driving.

Drivers are responsible for their actions, but employers also share some level of blame when this occurs. Many jobs will expect employees to answer messages immediately and be in constant contact. This can cause people to decide they will run the risk of using their device when behind the wheel and place themselves and others in jeopardy.

Since distracted driving is so prevalent, many accidents and injuries happen because of it. Medical expenses, lost wages and injuries that never fully heal can cause significant changes in a person’s life. If there is a fatality, the loved ones will need to find a way to move on after an unexpected and unnecessary death. When there is a crash and it is believed to have been due to texting and driving or some other distracted driver behaviors, a full investigation is needed. Calling for a consultation with a law firm that helps those who have been injured or lost a loved one in distracted driving car accidents is critical for a case.


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